Antalya Side Activities

Antalya Side Activities

Side is an ancient city located in Turkey's Antalya province and offering a wide variety of activities to its visitors. Some of the activities that visitors can do in Side are:

Exploring the ancient city: Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins of the ancient city, such as the Roman theatre, the Temple of Apollo, and the ancient port, and learn about the history and culture of the region.

Swimming and sunbathing: Visitors can enjoy Side's beautiful beaches, such as Side East Beach and Side West Beach, which are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

Shopping: Visitors can buy souvenirs and local products from the traditional bazaar and shops in Side.

Hiking and trekking: Visitors can take advantage of Side's beautiful natural environment and go hiking or trekking in the Taurus Mountains.

Manavgat Waterfall Visit: Visitors can visit the waterfall located near Side and enjoy the beautiful natural environment, swimming and picnic opportunities.

Take a boat trip: Visitors can take a boat trip to nearby islands and bays and explore the beautiful shores of the Mediterranean.

Visiting the museums: Visitors can visit the Side Museum, which displays many artifacts from ancient Side and its surroundings, including artifacts from the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Relaxing in the hot spring: Visitors can relax at one of Side's many spas and enjoy a Turkish bath, massage or other wellness treatments.

These are just a few of the many activities that visitors can do in Side. The ancient city and its surroundings have a lot to offer, from history and culture to outdoor activities and entertainment.

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